Moving from Defence to Offence

July 29, 2024

January 18, 2024

This is going to be an important year for Ontario

Last year, our collective efforts stopped the Province from damaging the Greenbelt. And they helped reverse destructive plans to expand urban boundaries that would have destroyed even more precious farmland and natural areas.

In 2024, our goal is to build on our momentum and move from defence to offence.

This year our focus will be on solutions that truly address the housing crisis while building liveable communities that preserve natural areas and farmland.

UPDATED JULY 2024: Check out our Five Ways Home Campaign that will make homes affordable in Ontario.

Here is a snapshot of what we'll be doing to help make this happen.


Contacting elected officials to influence upcoming decisions is important. But there is more you can do to broaden your impact.

-Reach out to your friends and networks. Invite the Alliance for a Liveable Ontario to talk to your community and networks about building a liveable Ontario. Contact to discuss how.

-Become a local expert others can rely on. The ALO website has lots of reports, webinars and other resources that will help you better understand the challenges and opportunities we face. The more you know, the more you can share with others.

-Spread hope. People who feel hopeless are less likely to engage in stopping bad things from happening. Spread hope by telling people there are doable, practical solutions and then tell them about the Alliance for a Liveable Ontario.