Eby responds to new report critiquing his findings that we have enough land to build housing

February 5, 2024
By shifting the focus away from the overall capacity of available land, the CUR Report bypasses any direct discussion of the key conclusion of the Eby Report, that being there was no need for the Province to open up portions of the Greenbelt and other large swaths of farmland to development to meet its 2031 housing targets (Kevin Eby)

On May 25, 2023, the Centre for Urban Research and Land Development (CUR) issued a report entitled “Expanding Housing Supply and Improving Housing Affordability in the GGH [Greater Golden Horseshoe] are Pipedreams Without an Ample Inventory of Shovel-Ready Sites” (the CUR Report). The CUR Report responds to a February report by Kevin Eby and  March report by the Regional Planning Commissioners of Ontario that examined the capacity of existing urban lands to accommodate the Province’s 2031 housing targets.

Read Kevin Eby's full response to the CUR Report here.