Before the next election, we want Ontarians to know about what the Ontario government can do to make homes affordable and part of liveable communities.
These tools are designed to help you spread the word to your friends, families and networks.
Action Tools:
-Take Action: Send a letter to Ontario's party leaders asking them to endorse our Action Plan
-Put a Five Ways Home poster (colour, black and white) on your window/door telling candidates and neigbhours you support making homes affordable and part of liveable communities.
Information Tools:
-Provincial Housing Report Card. Find out what the Province has done in the past two years to deal with the housing crisis.
-Five Ways Home website.See short videos, descriptions and a report with actions all governments can take to make homes affordable and part of liveable communities.
-3 minute video.This video tells a compelling story about the five ways we can make homes affordable in Ontario.
-COMING SOON! A Google file with images and text. Use them to make your own social media posts.
Event Tools:
-Invite us to give a virtual talk. It can be part of an existing event or a feature event. We're ready to speak to your organization, a local neighbourhood association, friends, etc..
-Invite us to give an in-persion talk. We'll do our best to come to your community for a feature event, keynote speech or just to sit around the table with engaged Ontarians.
Send an email request to:
Want a tool that isn't here? Send an email to with your suggestion.